Dear All,

The FIA has been looking into the complaint raised with them for several months now, unfortunately to date there has been no conclusive outcome.

I am hoping that by the end of the month we will have a positive and conclusive response from them.

So far the FIA have been positive and responsive and I thank them for their work to date. However they too are restricted by the rules and regulations that were adopted many years ago when the Carnet system was created and before the EU existed. Unravelling this is complex, and I expect there would be resistance to change from their members (The Motoring Organisations).

One of the FIA’s objectives/aims: is to promote safe travel, to promote freedom of mobility and to encourage sensible, sustainable tourism worldwide. We are trusting that they as an organisation stick to their key principles and objectives.

However, if at the end of June we do not have a conclusive response or a response that does not resolve the issues highlighted in the petition we shall begin the complaint process outside of the FIA, which may include the European Commission, Competition Commission, local MP/MEP and the HMRC.

If this is the case we would be looking for your support to help us move this forward!

We will keep fighting for as long as it takes to ensure that UK travellers are not at a disadvantage to our European friends when travelling internationally with a vehicle!

If you would like to discuss this further or contact us you can do so through our communities FB group: