This map details global fuel prices in USD per litre (Petrol and Diesel on different layers) per country. The data has been compiled to help Overlanders budget for their trip and also plan which countries it is more economic to fill up in or run dry prior to crossing the next border.

If you have any information that you feel would be helpful to others (price differences for foreigners, areas where there is a shortage of fuel, bad quality fuel or routes that require more fuel than normal etc), please leave us a comment and we will add it straight away.

The data in these maps has been compiled from Gasoline Germany a user contributed fuel pricing site and, this data is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0), which also means it may not be used for commercial use.

Fuel prices from Gasoline Germany may not be fully up to date, please see their website for details of when the last user updated the prices.

Fuel Prices from represent the average price per country, in some countries reliable data is not available and therefore the prices have been estimated based on historical data, the movements in fuel prices and exchange rates.



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General Travel insurance try World Nomads or True Traveller both companies specialise in long term travel policies

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