General Information

Carnet / TIP Carnet Required – See map 
Insurance Required
Visas VOA at land borders / Airport (recommended to obtain in advance North Bound)
Security Security Med – See info below
RHD No Issues
IDP Required
Yellow Fever Not Required / None

*Visa information is based on UK/EU/US citizens,  

Vehicle Temporary Import

For entering xxx

  • Length of stay:
  • TIP Extensions:
  • Leaving the country temporarily:


Documents required

  • Title (US vehicles) / vehicle registration (all others)
  • Passport
  • Driving licence: An International driving permit is officially required in addition to your driving licence from your home country.
  • Motor vehicle insurance

*Although our international driving licence is required, they are not routinely checked, however they are cheap and easy to get hold of, and therefore it is advisable to ensure you have an international driving licence – please see this map details of countries where an IDP is required. International driving licence map


Motor Vehicle Insurance

Unfortunately the Comesa yellow card (which you will have used in all other Comesa countries) is not valid in Egypt, disregarding the fact that on the Yellow card it says that it is possible! You will need to buy third party insurance at the border.

Driving information and Road rules


Visas and documents

UK and EU nationals, citizens of the countries listed below can obtain a 30 day visa upon arrival at any of the Egyptian ports of entry.  Australia, Canada, Croatia, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Macedonia, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Serbia, Ukraine and USA.

Permitted length of stay: TBC

Extending your Visa: TBC

Border crossings and information





Please see the FCO Website for the latest updates 


This makes the authorities nervous (see more details above under “Sinai”).




Wild camping in Egypt is not advised and illegal on the beach. All beaches are patrolled by coast guard. Travellers have been woken up in the middle of the night with a AK47 pointed up their noses – not a nice way to wake up. Don’t try it.

The exception is the desert, although all desert West (including the Great Sand Sea) of the road to Bahariya is currently off limits. There are gun runners active coming from Libya and the army has a “shoot on sight” policy. Check the section about the white desert below for info about
desert camping.


Egypt is a (for the majority) muslim country so tank tops and shorts for women are not a good idea, even though some of the beach tourists seem to think it’s fine. Headscarves are only needed when visiting mosques (and sometimes churches) – they will be provided at the door.

For men it is much easier, although wearing shorts into a mosque or church is considered impolite.

Other information which may be useful for Overlander’s

General Tips 



Most overlanders arrive to or leave Egypt from Alexandria (because the Sinai is closed for 4×4 and motorcycles). There are currently (October 2017) only 2 Roro (roll on roll off – cheaper than container transport) options: Grimaldi and Neptune. There are no ferries anymore.

Disadvantage of RORO is that you cannot travel with your car so you have to fly to/from Cairo.

This does give you the option while your car is being shipped of either exploring Cairo a bit more (if travelling North) without your car, or arranging your Sudan/Ethiopia visa in Cairo + doing some sights (if travelling South):

RORO Routes / Ports

There are several Roll on Roll Off routes to [country], most services call at xxxx port.

Container shipping

Container services are available xxx port, with routes

Shipping Agents


Buying and selling vehicles


if you are looking to buy a vehicle the best place to find one from other travellers is the following Facebook groups

Overlanding buy and sell – Americas

Overlanding buy and sell – Europe and Africa


Recommend Forums & Facebook Groups (official dont edit)





Last updated byOverlanding Association on August 11, 2019
1935 reads