
Temporary Import Requirements

A Carnet de Passage is not required for entry into Ecuador,   in the majority of people will enter Ecuador on a temporary import permit via land borders.  The initial permit is valid for three months extendable to six months.

Required paperwork:

–  Vehicle registration ( in your name,  altogether with a notarized letter providing permission for the importer to use the vehicle  outside of the country of registration)

–  Passport

 TIP Extensions – 


In 2015 Ecuador introduced a new state-sponsored vehicle insurance. During the transition period, it was not possible or required to obtain insurance. Dec 2015, Insurance was not required for foreign vehicles, nor could it be purchased at the border.

In Dec 2018 travellers have confirmed that insurance is not required or available, but you should keep an eye on the situation in case it changes 


The main port for Ecuador is Manta, the port services both RORO and container vessels

 Ports of entry

 Manta –  

Local Agents:

**Please add recommendations **

–  Santa Marta –  Most people use the port for Roll on Roll Off services from the USA Mexico and Panama.

Land Borders

Ecuador has land borders with Colombia in the North, and with Peru in the South.  

Southern borders

There are two border crossings from Colombia to Ecuador, the main being  Ipiales / Tulcán and another to the east in Lago Agrio / Nueva Loja (Ecuador) to San Miguel (Colombia).

Ipiales / Tulcán

 See this article for the Border process southbound

South borders with Peru



ATM’s  – 


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